Signed in as:
HSBBQ events are fun and competitive. To be fair to all of our competitors, we take the rules seriously. The following rules are to be strictly followed at every HSBBQ event. All competitors, teachers, mentors, and attending adults should be familiar with every rule.
Teams are made of high school students enrolled in high school grades 9th - 12th.
Teams are to have a teacher or HS staff member (with the high school email address) in charge of the team who also travels with them under their ISD rules.
Mentors must be approved by the HS or District (depending on their rules) and may be the teacher, a competition Pitmaster, a parent, a previous team member who has graduated, etc.
Teams must have 1 Class ABC fire extinguisher on-site at each unexpired competition.
Alcohol is not permitted at any time. This includes being in the recipe of any product.
There is to be no like-meat brought to a competition that is the same as the competition meat. ( samples of meat approved for lunches include chicken legs, hamburger patties, hot dogs, and sausage.)
Prepping ingredients may not happen before 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning, and it is not allowed to be done in the hotel room on Friday.
Prepping means no cutting/mixing/measuring of any ingredients.
Prepping before 6:00 a.m. Saturday is considered cheating and cause for disqualification.
Campers/RVs of any type are not allowed on-site, or near the competition site, during Regionals or State by schools, teachers, parents, mentors, family members, guests, or any other persons not members of the High School BBQ, Inc. Board.
Box trailers made/built for catering and/or BBQ competitions are allowed, but windows and doors must remain open at all times and are subject to inspection by HSBBQ Board Members or their designated persons at any time. Box trailers made for transport are to be parked with vehicles after unloading.
There is to be no staying/sleeping on-site overnight at Regionals or State by HS students, teachers, mentors, or team parents/adults/siblings, etc.**NO RVS ARE ALLOWED**
These rules are for the safety of all students, teachers, mentors, board members, other attending youth, and adults.
All categories will be prepared/made and cooked on-site during the competition by teams of at least 1 and no more than 5 students. See each category for individual rules.
No finished products are to be shared, and dessert recipes must be different for teams under one school.
You can use gas or electric starters or torches to start the wood for your pit, but you may not use them to cook, brown, or finish meat products.
ALL meat products are to be cooked on wood products from start to finish.
The cooking area will be approximately 20’ x 20’. The area will be roped off and only students will be allowed to be in this area while the competition is taking place which begins with the meat pick-up at 6 a.m. until 3:10 p.m.
All adults must remain behind the tape until ALL TEAMS HAVE TURNED IN THEIR BRISKET (3:10 pm). Violators of this state championship rule could disqualify their team.
No adults will be allowed in the cooking area once the competition has officially started. If an adult, or any body part of an adult, enters the cooking area during the competition the team may be disqualified from the competition. The only exception to this rule will be in the case of an emergency.
The team must maintain the cooking area in a clean and sanitary condition.
An HSBBQ board member or designee may disqualify a team for unsanitary conditions or entries.
Prior to the competition, the HSBBQ Board will determine the turn-in times. The turn-in times will be sent to teams in the Regional information email and announced during the Cooks Meeting.
Standard turn-in times for competing are:
Teams are responsible for making sure they know the turn-in times for each competition they compete in.
All meat will be furnished on the morning of the competition and will be prepared from scratch with the time constraints of the competition.
THERE IS TO BE NO LIKE-MEAT BROUGHT TO A COMPETITION THAT COULD BE MISTAKEN FOR COMPETITION MEAT. THIS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICAITON. (Examples of meat approved for lunches would be chicken legs, hamburger patties, hot dogs, and sausage)
No pre-marinating, pre-soaking, or pre-spicing prior to the official start time is allowed.
No meat will be allowed to leave the team’s site area.
When preparing meat products for turn-in, nothing may be added to the meat after it has been placed in the tray.
While at the Turn In table, if needed the team will be instructed to correct their turn-in, if sauce or juice is added to the meat the team will be given a paper towel to soak it up.
All garnishes are prohibited.
No markings on the box, ticket, or foil is allowed. Foil cannot be folded, torn, etc.
Beans will be started at the competition site from dry pinto beans.
Each team must use only dry pinto beans but may add additional ingredients.
After the Cooks Meeting, beans may be soaked in WATER ONLY overnight. No additional ingredients may be added to the beans until 0600 Saturday morning. Doing so may disqualify the team from the bean entry and/or from the competition.
Once the beans are put into the turn-in cup, all additional ingredients must be smaller than the diameter of a dime or small marble.
No markings on the cup, ticket, or foil is allowed.
This includes, but is not limited to:
NO-BAKE DESSERTS ARE NOT ALLOWED. (All desserts are to be cooked on site)
The pie crust must be unrolled and hand-formed into a pie pan.
Piecrust cannot be purchased pre-formed in a pie pan.
Graham crackers will be crushed to make a crust and hand-formed into a pie pan.
Graham cracker crust cannot be purchased pre-formed in a pie pan.
Bread Pudding Clarification:
An authentic traditional Bread Pudding with fresh fruit will take nearly two hours to make from scratch. If it does not then please choose a different recipe or make the bread on site.
Pudding refers to a type of dessert.
Traditionally the Brits use the word "pudding’" for what Americans call "dessert".
Traditionally, long ago, "puddings" referred to bland and rustic desserts that were eaten by the lower-class citizens, and "Desserts" were sweeter and more decadent and were eaten by the upper-class citizens.
No markings are allowed on the box, ticket, or foil. Foil cannot be folded, torn, etc.
All fires for cooking meat must be wood or a wood product.
ALL meat products are to be cooked on wood products from start to finish.
You can use gas or electric starters or torches to start the wood, but you may not use them to cook, brown, or finish meat products.
Once the meat has been placed in the pit, you may not restart your fire with gas or electric starters/torches.
Any commercial-made, homemade or shop-made pit may be used. All pits must use only wood or wood products.
Pellet smokers and guru-style fans are NOT allowed for HSBBQ competitions.
Teams may NOT share a pit/smoker. A school may have two pits/smokers on one trailer, however, there must be a separation of areas for the two teams using the pits/smokers to work. No combined workspace is allowed.
All entries will be submitted in identical containers which have been assembled and brought to the site by HSBBQ. The container for dessert, chicken, ribs, and brisket is an approximately 9” x 9” hinged styrofoam tray.
Each team will be provided a piece of foil for each turn-in by HSBBQ and may not be substituted with any other foil. The foil supplied is to be placed in the bottom of each tray. You may choose not to put foil ONLY in the dessert tray. However, all meat categories must have foil in the bottom of each tray.
A styrofoam cup and lid will be provided by HSBBQ for the beans.
Brisket will be the first tiebreaker. If there is a tie in points, the team that finishes higher in the brisket category will be placed higher. If there are still ties then the ribs will be the next tiebreaker; then chicken; then beans; and finally the dessert.
There will be an additional 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after the turn-in time. This allows each team time to have their product checked in and correct any mistakes before the window closes.
If a team misses the window, the product will not be accepted and will not be judged.
It is important that teams watch the time!
All teams, teachers, mentors, and parents will be expected to conduct themselves in a friendly, courteous, and professional manner.
Any team, teacher, mentor, or parent who does not conduct themselves professionally may be given one warning and then disqualified and possibly expelled from future competitions. This includes disrespecting or speaking ill of other teams, students, mentors, teachers, HSBBQ board members, judges, or anyone on site.
Cheating will result in disqualification from a category or the competition. A team may lose their State qualification and must re-earn the opportunity to attend State. The HS's Principal will be notified of why the team was disqualified and the HSBBQ Board's decision for the infraction.
Adults who do not follow the rules can also disqualify the team, or the adult may be removed from the competition and asked to stay off-site until the awards are over.
The outcome of the decision by the HSBBQ Board is final.
This is a teaching environment; all adults are expected to be positive role models to the youth they are mentoring and modeling professional behavior at all times.
Coaches, mentors, and all other adults will not be allowed within 20 feet of the cooking area after the meat pick-up has begun at 6:00 a.m. and must remain away from the cooking area until ALL TEAMS HAVE TURNED IN THEIR BRISKET (3:10 p.m.). Violators of this state championship rule could disqualify their team.
The purpose of this rule is to let the students work independently of their coaches/mentors.
All teams are responsible for their site. Trash must be picked up and placed in the dumpsters, and the area (asphalt, gravel, etc.) must be free of trash and ashes PRIOR to the awards.
Board members or their representatives will police the area to ensure everything is clean before the awards ceremony. Awards will not take place until the grounds are clean.